Frank Alfred Stewart Mercer to Jane Addams, June 16, 1917

1641 Foster Ave.
June 16th 17 --

Dear Miss Addams

I was at the meeting in the Masonic Temple this afternoon. I wish to go on record as one willing and delighted to do all in my power, from my viewpoint, to cooperate with your Society for Peace. I hate war, [tyranny], & oppression and have no fear in resisting those who wish to transform our country from a kind of democracy into a military oligarchy. I am not only interested in obtaining peace at home I crave it for the whole world.

An idea occurred to me since [page 2] way to obtain results, will be by everlastingly hammering at it. Why not have a few small halls engaged by the month, hold meetings every night and we will work the people up to a state where they will demand peace. I will not be leaving Chicago, and offer my services <free,> every night if need be and will contribute all I can towards the rent of the hall. I count it a joy and privilege to do so because I know I will be serving God and my fellow men. I have been an Episcopal clergyman for over 20 years. I am not in affiliation with any church organization now.

I don't know whether you know it but we will have [almost] all churches against us in this fight. [page 3]

Churches are indirectly responsible for this war. If the ministries had lived and taught them, the beautiful teachings of the Christ we would today have a happy world to live in but no they have not been faithful to God and what else could we expect but what we have as a result of their duplicity.

If we wish for world peace we must come to terms with God and then having His peace in us we will touch others. God is displeased with the peoples and we must win [favor] with Him.

This is my viewpoint as a minister. I am free to work after 7 P.M every night of the week.

Yours sincerely

Frank A. S. Mercer

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