My dear Mrs. Post:
Miss Breckinridge [has] asked me to acknowledge to you the receipt of the check for $5.00 from Mrs. E. B. Swiggett, [42?] The Mendota, Washington, D.C. We have credited her with a contribution and have also entered her as a National Member of the Woman's Peace Party.
Miss Addams asked me to send to you copies of the cable recently received from Dr. Jacobs and of the telegram sent by Miss Addams herself in the name of the Woman's Peace Party to President Wilson. I am enclosing these herewith.
We are just moving our Headquarters to a smaller and less expensive room in the same building in which we are now, and are very, very busy, but I am trying to get some work done on the International Report at the same time. It seems essential that this should be done as soon as possible.
I feel very grateful to the Board for making it possible for me to be present at the Annual Meeting.
Very sincerely yours,
Office Secretary