Harriet Park Thomas to Jane Addams, January 2, 1917


The New Ebbitt

Washington, D.C.,

Jan. 2nd 1917 --
9. p.m.

Dear Miss Addams: Here I am, doing business at the old stand. I was warmly welcomed by the staff, especially the colored contingent; I expect to hear some of them calling me "Miss Hattie" in a day or two.

Mr. Hallinan is in New York at the regular monthly meeting of the A.U.A M.; but he left instructions with his head stenographer to get me fixed up, so within an hour after my arrival I had rented an office and ordered the furniture for it. I also have several lines out for a stenographer, and expect to begin work in the morning. Meantime [page 2] I have seen Mrs. Young and gotten a list of educators from her, with whom to begin correspondence at once.

I have been house hunting on my own behalf, too; am much inclined toward the National Suffrage Headquarters -- went up and looked at rooms and found Mrs. Catt and Mrs. Miller very cordial. The thing which makes me hesitate is that all the women I saw there looked deadly tired, -- I'm afraid it would be a little strenuous to have suffrage tacked on to the end of my day.

I may be able to get in at the Marlborough where Mrs. Young is -- dear little Miss Brayton is trying to evict some one and make room for me. She and Mrs. Young were so happy to hear that you had felt no bad effects from the trip and the work here, and of your further activities since getting home. Please ask Mrs. Karsten to send Mrs. Young's letter back, special delivery if it has not been mailed already. I'm very glad learn Mrs. Hallinan says that Mr. was about wild. Legislative Committee meets Saturday morning. Address me 641 Munsey Bldg. As always, devotedly.

Harriet Thomas