Emily Crosby Wheeler to Jane Addams, January 18, 1917

National Armenia and India Relief Association
for Industrial Orphan Homes
345 EAST 25th St., BROOKLYN, N.Y.

January 18 1917

My dear Miss [Addams], --

I greatly regret to say that I have written to the Treasurer, telling her that my mother and I, with our small income, cannot this year give to the Woman's Peace Party. It is utterly impossible. We must really keep all that we have for work in New York and for our Armenians.

They asked to have our names left on the list and this is to be done until we are able to give again to the cause but at present it is impossible. I dare not undertake to raise funds for the Peace Party much as I would like to. I think our directors would decidedly object. I will, however, put your name on our mailing list, and as I have always been very much interested in your work, I shall hope, after a time, to become again a donor to the work and I wish you God-speed.

Our hearts are broken by what has occurred among our poor people, the Armenians, and the Pen Picture which I enclose and the little leaflet show what conditions are, worse than can be printed.

Very truly yours,

Emily C. Wheeler [signed]