My dear Mr Kellogg
I am a little disappointed in the Steiner chapter, but it might be available if cut down & the [peroration] is a masterpiece. Certainly the stories must come out, they are an [echos] of the lecture platform & should be kept there. I am returning it with the Holt letters. Yours is a little severe perhaps but awfully well put & just!
Mr [Schiff] said yesterday that he could give $1000.00 a year to the [Lasker] project. I almost sent back the Warburg letter to you last Sunday after I had read it, asking you to take out the Survey & Immigration incident, concerning which he is very sensitive. He talked to me about it at great length yesterday, and his conscience against giving money to spread pernicious doctrine! I was reminded of Zangwills story of St George & the Dragon. We will be in Boston at the Hotel Touraine Oct 6, 7, 8 as I have written Miss Wald that you thought we might have a committee meeting one day. I do hope we can [pull] it off. Faithfully yours Jane Addams