Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Jane Addams, August 8, 1916


August 8th, 1916.

My dear Miss Addams:

Mrs. Thomas has asked me to send to you a copy of a letter recently received from Mrs. Mead in answer to the letter sent to all members of the Executive Board in reference to the proposed [cooperation] between the International Congress of Women After the War and a possible World Congress. An answer to this letter has also been received from Mrs. Post, but I am not sending a carbon of this because Mrs. Post tells me that she, herself, has sent you a carbon of her letter.

[Today], August 8th, Mr. Hughes is in Chicago and at Miss Breckinridge's request I have just made definite arrangements with Mr. William R. Willcox, National Chairman, for a Hearing at [eleven] o'clock before Mr. Hughes for Mrs. Wilmarth, Miss Mary McDowell, Miss Breckinridge, Miss Grace Abbott and Mrs. Thomas to present to Mr. Hughes the attitude of some of the prominent Progressive women of Illinois in reference to the preparedness situation.

Mrs. Thomas leaves this evening for her lectures at Ann Arbor.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Jane Addams,
Bar Harbor, Maine.
