Cassen Eugene Parsons to Jane Addams, January 26, 1916

January 26th, 1916.
Miss Jane Addams,
National Peace Federation,
116 South Michigan Avenue,

Dear Miss Addams: --

Under separate cover I [enclose] two copies of an Appeal for world-peace, and the Outline of An International Constitution, arranged by a Detroit attorney, Mr. Carl Storm. This material has been presented at Washington, in the Senate by Mr. Townsend, of Michigan, and has been printed in detail in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, during the present Session.

Strong [endorsement] of the plan has been given by Dr. David Starr Jordan, and others. Something concrete will assist in shaping thought during these momentous times, and I have suggested to Mr. Stone that he print 2,000 copies for distribution among our Governors, Congressmen, College Presidents, Editors, and other leaders. [page 2]

He authorizes me to make the following offer to the National Peace Federation. We will meet the expense of publication, if the Federation will circulate the plan. It is suggested that together with the [endorsements] of leaders, and of peace and other organizations, a circular calling attention to the embodiment of much of the plan in the Concurrent Resolution of Senator McCumber (S. Con. Res. 10.), and urging the flooding of President Wilson, and Congress with petitions, resolutions, and memorials, [endorsing] the Resolution and also that of Senator Curry, calling for a Neutral Nation Mediation Conference, be sent <out> at the same time.

I [enclose] text of Senator McCumber's Resolution for your convenient reference.

Personally I believe that with the victory impending over the "Preparedness" movement, the peace forces will make no mistake if they give their support to this plan, the educational value of which, and possibly the practical as well of which will be inestimable at the time.

[image: PEACE]

Yours very truly,

C. E. Parsons B.D. M.A. [signed]