February 15th, 1916.
My dear Mrs. Denison:
Miss Addams will be away from Chicago for some time and I think the best answer, perhaps, to Mrs. Collett, whose letter you enclosed, would be copies of Miss Addams' various pamphlets which we have in this office for distribution. I am sending Mrs. Collett this material.
We will send to the list, which you enclosed, copies of the Constitution and Platform and of the Program of the First Annual Meeting of the Woman's Peace Party. The full reports are not yet published. We will also send copies of the Congressional Program, adopted at the Annual Meeting and a copy of Miss Addams' recent Hearing before the House Committee on Military Affairs. I hope this will be what you wish.
You have received, no doubt, the material sent out from this office last week in reference to the February 22nd meeting. I hope that you will arrange for such a meeting in Butte, and that it will be very successful. Please let us know all about it.
Sincerely yours,
Office Secretary