Alice Thacher Post to Jane Addams, November 29, 1915


November 29, 1915.

My dear Miss Addams:

I received your letter of the 23rd, saying that you would bring on printed copies of the resolutions, for me to send out over the roll of the Preliminary meeting, and that you wanted to see me before you saw the President. I was about [telegraphing] you that I would meet you any where and <at> any time possible, when we learned that after all you could not come to Washington. We were greatly disappointed, but the announcement that we could have Mr. Ford, [whom] we knew would be a great attraction, prevented our disappointment leading to a disaster. I had already sent a copy of the roll to Chicago, and did not know but that the resolutions would be sent out from there. I have also sent a copy to Mrs. Mead, and I have kept one myself. This afternoon a package has come, apparently through Miss Doty, containing resolutions, so I will immediately send two to every one on the roll. I presume that Constitutions and the other material will be sent out from the Chicago Office.

The Belasco meeting was a great success. The standing of a great crowd from our audience very quietly in front of the White House while the envoys were on their way and were within the White House, was very impressive. I am told that Miss Leckie said it was one of the most impressive things she ever saw. Moreover, the President dashed up in an automobile while we were there, before the envoys came, and got some impression of a pacifist seriousness, I have no doubt.

Very faithfully yours,

Alice Thacher Post [signed]