Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, May 21, 1901


My dear Alice

Your long letter came this morning. I shall certainly hope to see you in Aug. Miss Boynton can't come to the Summer School this year, so that I will be there more than usual. We end Aug 10", perhaps you could come there berfore the birthday.

There is of course no possibility of knowing when Weber will be at home, we are simply sick wth deferred hope. I sent out a specialist who made a favorable report but the improvement is very slow.  I am glad you had a pleasant trip. I shall [page 2] be glad to see the [Mcaffees?]. Please send me this address, house & church, after they move.

Weber Linn could write her & has Geo Vincent, their two children, Mrs Lovett & her two [children] & Miss Wallace all U. of C. folk. They have been [traveling] together in little parties but he has now gone by himself to Paris.

With love to Marcet, always your loving sister.

Jane Addams

May 21 "1901