Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, May 9, 1901


My dear Miss Wald

Mary Smith told me of a Miss Green whom you were contemplating as a possible head to your new coffee house --

We are going to lose Mrs Cronk, not at once nor violently but she has opened a place for herself downtown and is most anxious to give her entire time to it.

I was so pleased with the Miss Green & show I have [met] that I venture to write to you concerning her sister. If you do not [page 2] intend to invite her for your undertaking, will you send me her address and let me correspond with her concerning this.

The new person of course could come this summer and work along with Mrs Cronk for some months. There is no crisis on hand, and above all we don't want to in any way interfere with plans of yours, but I am considering several possibilities.

Aren't you coming to make us a visit this Spring? I [dared] to hope for it once [page 3] and now hear absolutely nothing more. With greetings to the household I am always affectionately yours

Jane Adams

May 9 "1901


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