Speech to the Wisconsin Woman Suffrage Association, January 26, 1912 (excerpt)



Miss Jane Addams, of Hull House, speaking in favor of woman suffrage at Milwaukee last night, said:

"Worse than anything else is the fact that in every man-ruled city a great army of women is so set aside as outcasts that it is considered a shame to speak the very name which designates them. Their very existence is illegal. They may be arrested whenever any police captain choses. They may be brought before a magistrate, [Page 2] fined and imprisoned.

"The men whose money sustains their houses, supplies their [tawdry] clothing, and provides them with intoxicating drinks are never arrested, nor indeed, considered lawbreakers.

"Did the enfranchised women thus treat disenfranchised men, the latter would not; the latter would at least respect their hesitation in regard to an extension of the ballot to them."

Miss Addams then drew a vivid picture of what conditions would be like were the men disenfranchised, and the women enfranchised and in control of the government, city, county, state and national.

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