Hetty Sullivan Cunningham to Jane Addams, March 1, 1915

March 1st


My dear Miss Addams

My sister Mrs Augustus Hemenway has handed to me your letter and telegram to answer.

We both are members of Mrs Forbes Committee of the Massachusetts Peace Society and I wish to do my utmost for that Cause.

Mrs Forbes asked me to join the Woman's Peace Party, but as an Anti-Suffragist I objected that I could not accept the Suffrage clauses of the Platform and therefore could <not> join. Later my [page 2] sister wrote to you enclosing Mrs H. W. Peabody's published letter which expressed exactly what so many women feel on the subject.

The question of Equal Suffrage in this State goes to the Voters next November as you know, therefore it is most important that there should be no confusion of ideas and that Anti Suffrage women should understand to what principles they subscribe when they join the [Woman's] Peace Party. Women have already joined under a misapprehension. It is because your letter is so very clear that we wish to print it, except [page 3] the part about the Catholics.

You say that "the Suffrage plank was absolutely fundamental to the undertaking;" and yet you would "urge the point that an agreement to the letter of the platform is not required." I believe that an honest conscience [cannot] subscribe to fundamental principles with which they do not agree, therefore, Anti-Suffragists should not belong to the [Woman's] Peace Party, and this does not prevent their working for Peace in the many ways already open to them: it is not at all like a political [page 4] campaign where one must choose between two parties even though they [cannot] accept all the planks of the platform.

Trusting that I have made myself clear and trusting that you may be willing to give us your letter for public use I am very sincerely yours

Hetty S. Cunningham
Mrs Frederic Cunningham

P.S. I am sorry I have to send you this copy of your letter: the original is temporarily lost between here and Mrs Forbes' house.