Ada Lois James to Jane Addams, August 3, 1912


August 3, 1912.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Enclosed find a copy of a letter I have just written to Dr. Shaw. Miss Willis has the letters Miss Wagner has threatened to publish. I thought it over carefully and it seemed to me in all probability Miss Wagner would wait until Miss Shaw came into the state to publish these. If Miss Shaw does not come, there is a chance she won't publish them and if she does, they won't be of as much interest. My idea is this:

Not to announce that Miss Shaw is not coming, and let Miss Wagner await the physiological moment, which I hope won't arrive. It is a great disappoint to us, because this the second time we have promised [Eau Claire] and some of those northern cities a speaker we have not been able to furnish. They want some good man or woman to address them before the close of the campaign. Of course we are hoping that after you have had your rest that you will be able to give us a few more days. However, I appreciate that we are asking a good deal of you and we will try to find someone else for these northern cities if possible.

We had Mayor Cotterill here last night. He has given us four or five speeches in this state. Last night he spoke on the street to a large crowd. We are pleased with the impression he has made and believe he has helped us very much. Although we are worried, I am very optimistic as to the outcome. I think we can smother much of the difficulty among the suffragists and that all will end well. As I know of your intense interest in the outcome, and because you are a member of the National Board, it seemed to me, best to send you the letter I had written to Miss Shaw.

Sincerely yours,

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