Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, December 20, 1911


I am [illegible] at Mary Smith's who sends her love.


Dec 20" 1911

My dear Alice

Helen Peck's husband name is Sanford Lyon. He has for many years been Stanley Linn's best friend and so far as there was a best man Stanley was he. We are going to have all the Linns of the 2d & 3d generation for Xmas dinner at H. H. [page 2] John Ethel & Winthrop arrived today, Stanley is still at H. H. and the other two families will come.

It would be awfully nice if you should change your mind & come after all. I go to Washington to the Am. Economic Ass'n the Wed. after and will be gone until Sat. the 30th of Dec.

Always, Dear Alice, your loving sister J. A.