Vilma Glücklich to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Czechoslovakian Section, February 26, 1925


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February 26, 1925.

To the German and Czech groups
in Czechoslovakia.

Dear friends,

                     Since I received the letter from Mrs. Hanauskova of the 16th court, I have searched the documents of Swarthmore and Washington, the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee and of Congress and the stenographic report thereof for find a record of your joint declaration, recorded Miss Balch at Swarthmore. I only managed to find the statement that you have been admitted as a section consisting of the two groups, whose collaboration will continue on the basis of the principles of our League. Perhaps Miss Balch can tell us if there was any misunderstanding about it.

                     It seems to me, in fact, that it can only be a misunderstanding that prevents you from continuing the work of dens and ↑this↓ spirit of cordial understanding which we were so happy to note between your two delegates at the Congress. But I hope, having full confidence in the good will of all of you, that it is only a temporary disharmony, due above all to the tension of the nerves from which we have suffered almost all since the sufferings of years of war and after war. I owe the sufferings the letter of time. Hanauskova to the members of the Executive Committee; but I hope that in the meantime you will have already found a way to clear up the misunderstanding and get back to the good work that has given very appreciable results since 1923.

                     I follow your efforts for reconciliation with all my sympathies and I greet you most cordially,

international secretary.