Lillian D. Wald to Jane Addams, February 17, 1925


February 17, 1925

Beloved Lady:

I am assuming that you have sent letters to each one of the people on the list, and we shall take it from the files for a follow up. I am contributing my mite.

I am quite excited to hear from Mary that you are going to Mexico. When are you going, where are you going, how long are you going to stay and how much does it cost? Is it to be purely a vacation? If you wanted me I might be tempted to go along. I have been talking of Mexico for a long time and Mrs. Leach and I have flirted with the idea of going together. It would not be quite going to India with you but it would be nice. Suggest this softly and lowly to Mary who may think two's company and three's more or so the old adage insists.

Much love to you.

Miss Jane Addams
Hull House
800 South [Halsted] Street
Chicago, Illinois.

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