Lettie Cox Stewart to Jane Addams, December 29, 1909

3754 North 41st Court
Irving Park. Chicago
Dec. 29th 1909.

My Dear Miss Addams.                                                        

I want to thank you for the new book you sent to Mr Stewart and me. I read it to him and we both enjoyed it immensely. We have [page 2] a large sociological library, but that book appeals to me more than any book I have ever read along sociological lines, and I thank God for the intuitive motherhood that has made you see the needs of youth so plainly, and the education and opportunity that has enabled you to express what you see, as we mothers of large families can not. [page 3] May the idea grow, and sink deep into the hearts of all those who have power to better conditions, until they see in each child only, the germ of good, and proceed to clear the ground for the growth and development of that germ.

Wishing you a happy New Year I am yours faithfully

Lettie Cox Stewart.

(Mrs. Ethlebert Stewart).

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