Ethel Sturges Dummer to Jane Addams, January 13, 1925


January 13, 1925.

Dear Miss Addams:

Will you look at page 106 of Youth in Conflict? It will interpret for you my desire to avoid the use of the term guidance and to emphasize to parents and teachers the need of studying the individual child, of finding his special interest and ability, and my belief in the importance of further study of the dull, subnormal child.

From Karl Witte down through the list of brilliant scientific men there are enough cases to make me believe that untold values might be rescued from those now classified as stupid or feeble-minded. Robert Mayer who gave us the law of conservation of energy was considered insane. Let our next symposium be upon consciousness and personality.

With great appreciation of the spirit which your chairmanship gave to the conference, believe me

Affectionately yours,

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