Eva Perry Moore to Hannah Clothier Hull, December 6, 1924



St. Louis, Mo.,
Dec. 6, 1924.
Mrs. Hannah Clothier Hull, President,
Section U.S.A.,
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom,
Swarthmore, Penna.

My dear Mrs. Hull:

I am sending you a copy of the letter which I was obliged to send to our Executive Committee on account of serious complications.

Almost immediately after sending this out, with most disheartening letters from many sources, I was called to Washington by a letter from Mrs. Cook, withdrawing the use of Memorial Continental Hall, which had been offered eighteen months ago, and which had been made an entirely legal contract.

The trouble lay in our membership and from sources outside of what has been called our "patriotic members." They would not listen to any explanation or any questions as to the advisability of believing the source which had presented these matters to them, so that we were finally obliged to accept their ultimatum and give up Continental Hall. That does not trouble me very much, aside from the fact that they could act in that way, because we have obtained the new Washington Auditorium, which I think will be very excellent for our purposes.

It means, however, an explanation to the world, and I am only hoping that they will not give the explanation that they gave me.

With all these matters in mind, I am sure you will realize that the wise thing to do is to resign.

I very much prefer, just as I said before, that you should send in your own resignation, and that we may be able to say you have resigned.

This must not be presented to Miss Addams in any other way than as a necessity.

I am sure she will appreciate it even as we do.

The Executive Committee thinks as I do that it would be wise for you to give your own resignation and no one except yourselves and ourselves need know that we have presented this matter in the light that seemed to us necessary.

Please let me hear from you at your earliest opportunity, because I understand we cannot present our appropriation with any possibility of success as matters are at the present time. [page 2]

With very great regard, I am

Sincerely yours,


Copy to Mrs. Lewis
Mrs. Post
Mrs. Mead.

Since all this is written I have advice from some very prominent members that I had not written to -- that some organizations will resign, thinking it better to resign themselves than to ask another to resign.

What a world!!