Helen Newpher McCracken to Jane Addams, February 20, 1924

5 Avenue Petain

My dear Miss Addams:

It was delightful to be remembered by you at Christmas time.

We shall treasure the picture hoping some day to stay long enough in Chicago to see Hull House itself. [page 2]

Helen our oldest daughter claimed your signature, as you had written in Margaret's birthday book.

She said of the picture "Mother, it ought to be a sacred relic in the McCracken family."

She felt the red [comforter?] far too precious to be used. They are on the [twins] [page 3] beds and Elsie and Martha love the gay colors.

I believe it is good for girls to have such well-placed enthusiasms.

We were very anxious about you when news came of your illness in Japan.

I hope you have quite recovered.

With the best wishes from a rather large family


Helen McCracken

February 20, 1924