Mary Ann Kingsland Higgs to Jane Addams, June 5, 1923

Bent House
June 5 1923

Dear Jane Addams

The impulse to write to you is strong upon me. After reading Mrs Barnett's lively article in the Woman's Leader.

Years ago I once touched your hand & spoke to you, but we did not know each other. Dear Dr [Palin?] had sent me to you with a letter of introduction, but somehow we were not to know each other in the flesh but in the spirit. I have heard that you have asked after me, & I have kept you in my prayers & rejoiced whenever I knew of you, as when you went to The Hague, & after when I could follow your peace missions -- words are feeble to describe the joy I had in you when you were "led of the Spirit" to do what in my humble way I longed for.

And now this article links me to you afresh in a wonderful way. One never to be forgotten evening dear Dr [Palin?] & Canon Barnett & I met at Hayfield Derbyshire. They, by mistake, had come a night too early to a "Summer School on Social Subjects" I was here as Secretary [to] get ready.

How can I describe the bit of heaven on earth as those two saintly souls poured forth their experiences & their hopes for the "Kingdom of Heaven"!

I wonder if you have heard of an obscure little society that has arisen among us called "The Fellowship of Reconciliation" [page 2] not it perhaps, but that which it stands for, is in the providence of God that which the world needs.

How can I describe the fellowship that comes to me this morning & the thought expressed by Mrs Barnett that this is your mission

"He that is mighty hath magnified me."

A world wide reconciliation, of individuals, classes, nations -- through Him that is mighty.

It occurs to me that we are justified by faith in such a vision.

I could write much even as the philosophic [side] of the relativity of every soul to the dear Lord & Master & hence our relativity to each other -- but He only tells me to send you this greeting. On the practical side I too am -- in a small way -- a "Settlement" & therefore send you my report.

Dear Canon Barnett's [talk?] helped me to try to save Oldham not by imported residents but by means of its own citizens.

Fulfilment lags behind dreams, & yet in some ways surpasses "all one has asked or thought."

To expand that sentence would be a life history of a little tree the Lord has planted & watered & given fruit to -- in my "small corner."

But sympathy can embrace the world, & [especially] glad am I to have seen America, & to sense in the spirit the way she wrestles with [one?] as well as world problems & through Walt Whitman & others to believe in her world destiny. Has in the palm of reconciliation.

Your friend in spirit

Mary Higgs

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