Speech to West Side Methodist Episcopal Church, May 2, 1920 (excerpts)


Jane Addams Speaks At Methodist Church

Jane Addams, of Hull House fame, lectured at the West Side Methodist Episcopal Church Sunday evening, an audience that taxed the capacity of the auditorium hearing the celebrated speaker. Miss Addams was to have spoken here earlier in the year, but missed a train and had to postpone her visit. She found her audience attentive and enthusiastic, the more than 1,200 persons present being most favorably impressed.

Miss Addams discussed conditions in starving Europe, most of her convincing statements concerning the appalling situation being based on personal observations. She visited Europe last year at the request of Herbert Hoover of the American relief commission, and found a sad state of affairs everywhere she went. “If there ever was a time when America should prove itself the friend of humanity, that time is now,” said Miss Addams. “The demand is great and we must not ignore it. Little children are dying by the hundreds of thousands for lack of food and America is their only source of aid. Nobody else in the world but America can save these dying, suffering ones from the fate that confronts them.”

Visits to southern Germany, [Austria] [missing text] with first-hand reports on conditions in Armenia and other portions of the foodless near east, gave Miss Addams plenty of reliable information on which to base her appeal for the dying children of Europe. She told her audience that America could not do too much for the starving abroad.

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