Richard Theodore Ely to Jane Addams, March 18, 1908


March 18, 1908.

Miss Jane Addams,
Hull House, Chicago.

My dear Miss Addams:

I am much interested in your proposal to form a local section of the American Association for Labor Legislation. Professor Commons and I will do all that we can to promote it, and, if it is necessary, I hope that it will be possible for us to arrange to go to Chicago. The pressure of work however, is at present very great. Miss Osgood can go to assist in the organization. Then you have Professor Henderson of the University of Chicago who proposed the plan of local sections and who is a good speaker. Dr. H. B. Favill is so much interested in our work that he made a special trip to Madison recently to talk about certain plans that we have. Do you not then, have all that you need at present for the organization? I believe that if you can get this local section properly started it is going to make many other things much easier for us. I think in particular [page 2] the plans which we have elaborated will secure for us the cooperation of a good many strong and influential physicians.

With best wishes, I am,

Sincerely yours,