Wilbur Kelsey Thomas to Jane Addams, October 3, 1919


October 3, 1919.

Jane Addams,
800 S. [Halsted] St.,
Chicago, Ill.

My dear Miss Addams:

Thanks very much for the note in regard to your visits to Washington. Rufus Jones and I were in Washington last Tuesday but did not get to see Mr. Kellogg or Mr. Willoughby. We did see Mr. Keppel who is head of the Foreign Relief Service for the Red Cross and also had different interviews with officials in the State Department. They are all very willing for us to go ahead with our work in Germany and expressed regret that at the present time they are not able to do more.

We found that the State Department is now sending American Consuls to the Baltic Provinces and they promised to give us passports for our workers there. This, we hope, is the opening for our Russian work, but, of course, we are first of all interested in the prospective service in Germany at the present time.

We have had considerable correspondence with Edward B. Haskell. He seems to be one of those who is actuated by a great desire to help his country, but has not been able to connect up with a suitable agency. There is no question about the need in Bulgaria. They, of course, are just as worthy of help as any of the others. Our only feeling is that as far as we are concerned with our limited resources it is not possible for us to spread out [as] ↑too↓ much as with our work in France, Serbia, Germany and prospective work in Russia, we feel that we have our hands full as much as we would like to help in such situations as this.

We appreciated very much your visit to us and feel that your message was a great help to the work. I thank you also for the addresses of the people who made contributions for the German work. We are very glad to have them. We will very gladly meet your expenses for your trip here to Philadelphia if you will let me know how much [page 2] they were.

With thanks for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Executive Secretary.