Jane Addams to Sarah Alice Addams Haldeman, September 15, 1907


Sept 15" 1907

My dear AliceĀ 

Aren't we too old and may be too wise to enter into recriminations? Certainly I don't want to reply to your last letter in any spirit of resentment. But why are you so unhappy? Has something happened this summer? I have put down Oct. 8, 9, 10-11" and will keep them free from engagements as I possibly can. Have seen Dr Hardie who is, I think the best aurist in town. I am coming out to Cedarville this [page 2] fall for one Sunday at least, perhaps I can come can be there the 28th. Laura, you know, has decided to spend this winter in Cedarville and I was planning to see her the last of September. I shall be much disappointed not to see Marcet before she goes back, please let me know just when she comes [through] Chicago.

I am sure, dear Alice, that we are going into past affairs that we can talk them out much better than we can write about them.

Always your loving sister

Love to Marcet & her mother.

Jane Addams