Gertrude Laverack Winslow to Jane Addams, February 13, 1918

4 Alwyngton Rd.
Chestnut Hill.

Dear Miss Addams,

Mrs. Mead has just sent me the enclosed letter, asking me to forward it to you. Although Mrs. Mead has been awfully kind about explaining the situation to me, I confess to still not being quite clear on some points. But if we meet next month, the discussion will doubtless straighten things out. I surmise [page 2] that the fundamental difficulty is the temperamental difference in the psychology of Miss Eastman and Mrs. Williams which is easy to understand but difficult to reconcile. At any rate the whole affair is unfortunate.

I am sorry to hear that you have not been well but I do hope that you are better now.

Very sincerely yours,

Gertrude L. Winslow.

Feb. 13.