Eleanor Daggett Karsten to Frederika Henriette Broeksmit, February 7, 1917


My dear Miss Broeksmit:

Miss Addams has asked me to acknowledge your very kind letter of December [21st] and to thank you for the lovely etchings which she has just received and which are being framed to hang in the rooms of the Woman's Peace Party. We shall enjoy them.

I am sure you will be interested to know that a cable was sent to Dr. Jacobs yesterday and to the Secretary of our German Committee, as follows: --

Dr. Aletta Jacobs:
"Members of our International Committee have sent greetings to German women and are making utmost efforts to allay war spirit."
Dr. Anita Augspurg:
"Many American women join with the members of our International Committee in sending messages of good-will to our German sisters and share our hopes that war may yet be averted."

These are very trying times, but we still hope.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss [Frederika] H. Broeksmit,
van [Vollenhovenstraat] 19a
Rotterdam, Holland.