Mary Reid Cory to Jane Addams, January 22, 1917

34 Halstead St. East Orange,

My dear Miss Addams

I am sending you a copy of Suburban Society in which is published the first of a series of "Little Lessons in Philosophy." I hope you will find time & read it.

I feel that very few, if any of the women in the Peace Party except Miss Elizabeth Allen, understand me it makes no difference about most of them but I do [page 2] hold the deepest respect for Mrs Thomas Mrs Lewis Miss Balch Miss Abbott and Miss Andrews and even [though], I am not associated with any of these splendid women I would wish them to realize if possible that I am not unwilling or capable of doing my share in the great work of world organization.

I trust you are improving in health daily and will be quite able to go to Holland in the Spring --

Very Sincerely Yours

Mary Reid Cory.