Jane Addams to Myra Harriet Reynolds Linn, October 30, 1916

Cedarville Illinois
Oct 30th 1916

My dear Myra

I have spent Sunday at Cedarville and am sending you two old <wooden> chairs I found in the attic and a little rocking chair which I used in my extreme youth. We will call one chair yours, one Stanley's and the little one Jane's.

I didn't have them painted. I thought perhaps you would want them white for the bed rooms, [page 2] brown for the kitchen or green for the porch. I am [enclosing] a bill to pay the painter who is working in the house, for painting the chairs whatever color you like -- if you will excuse the prosaic method.

The chairs belonged to my mother. I can remember them in my childhood -- in the kitchen -- I suppose they had come down from a higher estate -- they were bought in 1844 when my father and mother came to Illinois. [page 3]

By the cards at the tables, I want a printed statement of the school like the advertisement post [onto] cards -- so that a bunch -- several dozen of them could be left and the hotel office and be given away from there to enquiring parents. If some one at each hotel could be personally interested, it would of course help also.

I am going to send one or two little things for the <new> house. What is most needed?

Stanley must tell you about this beautiful [page 4] spot here. I am [enclosing] a picture of the old house. Aunt Jane and Grandmother, Flora Guiteau & Mary Smith all send their love to each member of the happy family. We are all devoted to the 6 months pictures of Jane which I brought out with me. Always your loving aunt

Jane Addams.