Jane Addams to Lillian D. Wald, April 3, 1902


Philadelphia, April 3d, 1902

My dear Miss Wald

We were starting for Atlantic City today where we heard of the fire and have stopped here until we know what is going to happen. The Smiths had engaged rooms at the Melbourne and as that is out of the fire felt we may decide to go there after all in the morning. Poor Mrs Smith has been having a hard time with her heart and looks very pale and invalid like.

I wish with all my heart [I] could find a place that [would] be just right for her. [I] have taken [both Mass.] [page 2] engagements and am feeling very well indeed -– not in the least worn out -- all due, I am sure, to my hygenic life in New York and my long & [planned?] naps every where.

I am sure that you will see me thank you and all the rest of the household once more for the many kindnesses. I found myself quite homesick on Monday night as the huge ferry boat swished around the city and I quite longed to get off to see you all.

We are counting on the visit in May on the Southern Cal. trip and I need not tell you what a pleasure it will be to all of us.

With cordial greetings to the settlement always affectionately yours

            Jane Addams

April 3d 1902

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