Eleanor Dagger Karsten to Margaret Fuller Eliot, June 29, 1916


June 29th, 1916

My dear Miss Eliot:

Your letter addressed to Miss Addams has been referred to this office since Miss Addams is not in the city.

I take great pleasure in sending you under separate cover an application blank for membership for the Woman's Peace Party and I am also enclosing samples of some of the literature which we have been sending out recently from this office.

Your letter is very encouraging in its statement of your belief that we are doing constructive work. We meet with so much opposition and, worse still, lethargy, that such a word is very encouraging indeed.

I am including in the literature which I sent a copy of a pamphlet recently published by Mrs. Mead, "What Young People Ought to Know about War and Peace," which seems to me to be especially valuable in its definitive constructive suggestions along the line of internationalism for the use of teachers. I am also enclosing a Bibliography which we printed for distribution at the Biennial in New York and I would call special attention to our Congressional Program adopted in Washington at the Annual meeting in January. This will give you in brief form the statement of the constructive work we have been trying to do this year.

We have also been trying to stem the tide of militarism in connection with the public schools. I regret to say that much of our material on military training in the public schools has been exhausted and orders are now outstanding for an additional supply. We have distributed quantities of this literature throughout the country and have circulated petitions among the clubs of Chicago against the introduction of military training into the high schools here, in spite of which military training is to be introduced next fall.

We have just had in Chicago the "War-Against-War" Exhibit of which you have probably heard which was shown with such great success in New York. This has been displayed here for three weeks and is to be shipped to Detroit tomorrow. We have had noon day speaking during this time and have reached a great many people whom we would have found it impossible, I believe, or at least very difficult to reach in any other way.

Sincerely yours,

Office Secretary

Miss Margaret Fuller Eliot,
New Hamburg, New York.

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