Anna Marcet Haldeman to Jane Addams, ca. 1916 (fragment)


[page(s) missing] Since this talk, the club ladies are talking "Municipal [Theater"] and I do honestly believe it will be possible to get one started here by another year -- set the beginnings of it going this year. I have a bunch (five) of plays on my desk now, written by youngsters in Girard, I imagine.

[It's] the blind leading the blind Auntie, but anyway I keep them thinking, and talking which are the first two steps toward achieving aren't they? [page 2] Same story as the other. It has been in quite a number of the papers in Eastern Kansas, chiefly because there has never been any work at all done in these camps before. And then anything even remotely connected with you is of general interest. But, truly, Auntie, you needn't blush for your youngest god-child: (For it is yours and Miss Walds -- a direct result of the talks I had with you and with her and Miss Smith this summer).  [page(s) missing]

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