Jane Addams to Mary Rozet Smith, March 16, 1902


Ann Arbor 
Mich. March [16]

Dearest --

It was impossible to write last week.  I seemed to tear around by day and speak by night and when Mr [Altgeld's] death came, I felt that I wanted to do all I could for poor Mrs [Altgeld although] I did wince over speaking at the funeral with Frank Crane and Mr Darrow.  I was well ashamed of it afterwards they were both so gentle and informed and really touched by the genuineness of Mr [Altgeld's] life.  I managed to call at 19 Walton Pl several times where all seemed to be going well and your mother and father were both in good spirits about the eastern trip. [page 2]

Charlotte was there each time I called and your mother was much interested in all the details of the Colorado arrangements.  She came to lunch one pouring day and was a charming guest -- she and I as it were, against the world I was not insensible to the flattery of the attitude.

I suppose that Miss Hannig wrote that Lillian sang like an angel at Mr [Altgeld's] funeral and that Helen Goodrich sang Stagirius -- it was all very touching and I was homesick for you in a strange way the sort of "parted in life but united in death" motif which I suppose is the limit of sentimentality.

I hope the voyage wasn't dreadful and that Paris is as charming as it should be. With best love to E Smith I am always & forever yours J.A.