Jane Addams to Florence Kelley, June 30, 1901


Dear Sister Kelley

I will manage Cal. if you really want me and can tell me what to say. I have had a tremendous pull this week with J. Lathrop standing by like fifty trumps.

Esther Linn was married last Sept. to Charley Hulbert, son of the Dean of the Divinity School at the U. of C. The foolish things meant to keep it secret for six years until he finished his university [page 2] and medical course. The inevitable thing happened -- a baby will come in Oct and the tussel between our side and Dr Harper was on. Dr Harper said let the boy finish his course, keep it quiet for a year [etc]. We said prompt and public announcement.

The papers have been splendid and implied no whit with the simple dignified announcement. The young people are in Cedarville publicly introduced as man and wife and I am now [page 3] looking for a job for my new nephew Charley -- aged 21 in May -- a bright boy who has never earned fifty dollars in his life.

In a moment of excitement I told Dr Harper that "academic morals had gone to the Devil." I am prepared to prove that statement to you when I see you. If you can find it your heart to write Esther just a word ↑of congratulation↓ I shall be very grateful. Her name is Mrs Chas E. Hulbert Cedarville Ill. [page 4]

While there is yet time [to] drill Margaret against that sort of thing -- it seems just now as if nothing could be much worse. The thought of you comforts me even with a thousand miles between --

Always yours

Jane Addams

June 30" 1901