United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records


Records of a federation of New York City settlement houses and its predecessor dating from 1898 to 1990. Includes: minutes, correspondence, memoranda, reports, publications, scrapbooks, corporate documents, departmental and project files, personnel records, and financial records. Subjects include the activities, administration, and philosophy of settlement houses and community centers as well as the development of professional social work. Includes documentation of issues and programs relating to: housing standards and tenement law reform, immigration and Americanization, the Great Depression, preschool education, juvenile delinquency and youth services, the War on Poverty, recreation, public health, job training, neighborhood improvement, community action, and social policy.

Alternative Title

United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records

Documents in this collection


Addams tells Bernheim she must cancel an engagement.

Addams tells White that she has to break her planned engagement because she will be out of the country.

An etching of the Hull-House court used for a holiday card.

Addams tells White she will speak for the United Neighborhood Houses in March 1926.

Addams sends Bernheim a new date for a lecture.