The following circular letter is addressed to ladies and gentlemen who have accepted the Council's invitation, and to others who, on receiving this letter, will please consider themselves invited.
LONDON, June, 1921.
DEAR SIR, OR MADAM, -- ↑Miss Jane Addams↓
A Conference will be held at Geneva, Thursday and Friday, September 1 and 2, 1921, to discuss the [program] of the Third International Moral Education Congress, meeting at Geneva in August or September, 1922, thus carrying on the important work begun in London, 1908, and continued at The Hague, 1912; the War having the proposed Paris Congress, 1916.
The Conference, which will be private and informal, will be assisted by about thirty or forty persons, of several nationalities, their discussions being governed by the terms of the Object and Basis printed at the head of this letter. The main points of the [program], as proposed by the Executive Council, are two: --
(1) Moral Education as bearing upon International and [Interracial] Relations.
(2) Moral Education inspired by the central idea of Service (that is, enlightened, unselfish, and faithful service).
In order to facilitate the deliberations, the Council will lay before the Conference a detailed draft [program]. The Conference will close by reporting its proceedings to the International Executive, meeting in London; and the Executive, in [cooperation] with the Swiss committee, will make the final preparations for the Congress of 1922. We have every reason to anticipate that, in the presence of so many moral problems pressing upon civilization, the Congress of 1922 will attract universal attention.
The place of meeting for the Geneva Conference will be fixed by the Swiss committee. Provisionally, we may refer inquiries to Prof. Ed. Claparède, Institut J. J. Rousseau, 5 Place de la Taconnerie, Geneva. Prof. Claparède is a member (for Switzerland) of the Executive Council.
It may be advisable to add that the Council will not be able to defray the expenses of delegates.
We beg to remain, yours sincerely,
Letters for the Executive Council should be addressed to the Hon. Sec., F. J. GOULD, Armorel, Woodfield Avenue, Ealing, London, W.5.