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  • Tags: Social Class

Also known as Address at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Convention, June 1, 1906 (excerpt)

Addams discusses the role that settlements play in improving the conditions of the poor. Only the portion of the article with Addams remarks has been included.

Also known as Address at the General Federation of Women's Clubs Convention, June 1, 1906 (excerpt)

Addams discusses the role of class relations in the settlement movement. Only Addams' portion of the article was included.

Mee offers a lawyer's perspective on Addams' white slavery article in McClure's Magazine and compliments her grasp of the legislation.

Johnson sends Addams an article that he wrote and asks her to write for Century Magazine after the presidential election in November.
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Also known as Ethical Survivals in the Pullman Strike

Addams' 1894 talk on the Pullman strike was only published in 1912 in the Survey. She analyzes the strike, drawing comparisons between George Pullman and his workers, and Shakespeare's King Lear and Cordelia.


Addams discusses the relationship between immigrants and social unrest. This speech was given at the National Conference of Social Work in New Orleans.

Addams discusses the relationship between immigrants and social unrest. This speech was given at the National Conference on Social Work in New Orleans.