10 results
- Tags: Revolution
- Item Type: Text
Lillian D. Wald to Jane Addams, April 17, 1917
Wald tells Addams that Francis Carey opposed their Wilson letter and remarks on her recent visit with Addams and the situation in Russia.
Lucia Ames Mead to Jane Addams, February 25, 1918
Mead asks Addams for feedback on her plan (not found) and the problems between the New York Woman's Peace Party branches.
The Russian Complication in the Light of Tolstoy's Teachings, August 1918
Addams discusses the the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War using Tolstoy's theories, and argues that Russia represents an effort to end rather than start wars.
Three Efforts of Contemporary Russia to break through Current Abstractions, August 1918
Addams comments on the Russian Revolution and Russian Civil War, and the influences of Tolstoy on both.
John Szlupas to Jane Addams, June 9, 1920
Szlupas asks Addams for support for Lithuanian education and Lithuanian independence.
Maria Antonina Czaplicka to Emily Greene Balch, August 28, 1920
Czaplicka tells Balch about efforts to establish the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Polish Section.
Jane Cobden Unwin to Jane Addams, October 3, 1920
Unwin sends Addams materials on the Irish Civil War and urges the American Commission to send people to investigate.
Helena Lucy Maria Sickert Swanwick to Jane Addams, December 22, 1920
Swanwick offers Addams advice regarding the Irish Civil War and the American Commission on Conditions in Ireland.
New Bulletin of the Foreign Policy Association, Vol. I, no. 29, June 2, 1922
The Association's news bulletin discusses revolution in Mexico, war debts in Germany, the organization of a national student forum, and a treaty between Germany and Poland, resolutions for international peace from the convention of the National League of Women Voters, and limiting the manufacturing of opium.
Annie Pennypacker Carlyle to Reva L. Ireland, December 19, 1924
Carlyle tells Ireland about the American Service Committee's work in Mexico City.
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