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  • Tags: Religion
  • Item Type: Text

The poster contains various bulletins and petitions with an anti-war ethos.

Gordon reports on a conference of clergymen promoting world peace through religious collaboration.

A religious journal review of Twenty Years at Hull-House, praising Jane Addams' work as wise and uplifting.

McCarthy chastises Addams for supporting Theodore Roosevelt whom he says is a dishonorable, political opportunist.

Ketcham writes to Addams about his support for Theodore Roosevelt and cautions about the danger of the Catholic Church against him.

Lee recounts the political and humanitarian situation in the Near East in the aftermath of World War I.

The article argues that the virtues of socialism and a socialist economy are supported by the Bible.

Rauschenbusch thanks Addams for sending one of her speeches to him as requested.

A letter to the editor that describes the anti-British content of the "Hymn of Hate," recently published in Peyam Sabah in Angora.
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Addams pays tribute to Theodore Parker at a Memorial Banquet in Chicago, where she praised his anti-slavery work and support of black suffrage, blamed his generation for not extending suffrage to women, and surmised that Parker would have ultimately supported the franchise for women had he lived longer.

Article addressing the number of Armenians suffering in Turkey.

Clark sends Addams a poem inspired by her work at Hull-House.

Wilson discusses the Quaker perspective on peace and promises to pray for Addams' success.

Addams offers a history of movements for world courts and peace. The speech was given at the Palmer House in Chicago to the Women's Roosevelt Republican Club.

Jenkin Lloyd Jones sermonizes against the war, asking people if they would choose Caesar over Christ.
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Addams, compares ideas of religion in the past and present and discusses ideas on morality and the human condition.
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Addams, comparing past and present ideas of religion, discuses ideas on morality and the human condition.
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Addams offers a strong indictment against old fashioned religious education and argues that the church, in order to encourage modern youth to see the validity of religion, must engage the realities and distractions of urban life.

Addams exposes the double standard applied to women who break society's moral codes and argues for a more charitable view of women and a better understanding of their economic circumstances. A version of this was published in November 1913.

A pamphlet of "press notices" on Wilhelm Müller's Religious Life in America (1911).
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Addams introduces a discussion about the purposed of social settlements at the Abraham Lincoln Centre. The event celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of Jenkin Lloyd Jones' pastorate.
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Addams describes the current moral situation of American youth as a result of the current education and religious situations. This speech was also given before the Chicago Sinai congregation.

Addams explains the relationship between education, religion, labor, and crime as she has experienced it in Chicago.
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A copy of a speech about labor, philanthropy, and immigrants that Addams delivered to the National Council of Jewish Women.

Hankey describes the plight of coal miners in England.

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