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  • Tags: Peace

Also known as Zürcher Hilskomitee


Gale asks that Ella Jane Abeel be asked to represent the Committee at the upcoming Woman's Peace Party Executive Board meeting.

Gale reacts to an article in The Survey about peace. Gale also will not be able to see Addams in October.

Gale asks Addams to send a statement reaffirming the goals and purpose of the Woman's Peace Party to each branch to ensure they don't lose their way.

Gale asks Addams whether she supports the Second Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace and asks for a reaffirmation of the goals of the Woman's Peace Party.

Gale thanks Addams for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School.

Gale sends Addams her views on how the Woman's Peace Party should react towards requests to help with war relief.

Gale tells Addams that she won't be able to make the Woman's Peace Party meeting in Philadelphia and regrets not being able to see Addams.

Gale suggests to bring up the topic of anti-militarism at the next Neutral Committee meeting

Gale asks Addams for advice on how the Woman's Union of Rochester should respond to the declaration of war.

Smith tells Addams that she joined the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section.

Hertzka reports to Addams about the difficulties of finding support for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in Canada. She also thanks Addams for her support.

Hertzka asks Addams for funds to support the repatriation of Austrian prisoners of war.

Hertzka tells Addams about the people that she has met and about the political troubles in Germany and Austria.

Hertzka tells Addams about her work for prisoner of war and her plans to travel to the United States.

Hertzka asks Addams to use her influence to support Ireland's independence.

Writing on letterhead of the Austrian Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Hertzka tells Addams about her plans to travel to the United States to raise funds to support the return of prisoners of war from Russia.