A Women's International League for Peace and Freedom member sends Addams a draft letter (not found) to answer press criticism of the International Congress of Women.
Bryan informs Addams that he cannot attend the Woman's Peace Party emergency meeting in New York City, but will send a telegram to be read at the meeting.
Glücklich advises the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Sections about the hotel accommodations for the Executive Committee meeting.
Glücklich updates the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's sections on plans for the international school and the work on Eleanor Rathbone.
Glücklich asks Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Sections and leaders to support the League of Nations's Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, and discusses plans to better promote disarmament.
Glücklich sends word to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Sections asking them to encourage scientists to come to Innsbruck to meet Paul Langevin during the Executive Committee meeting.