Detzer updates Addams on the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's memberships, donations and plans for the meetings of the United States Section.
Addams writes to Detzer replying to her past two letters, and talks about some meetings and finances of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Glücklich sends word to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Sections asking them to encourage scientists to come to Innsbruck to meet Paul Langevin during the Executive Committee meeting.
Glücklich advises the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Sections about the hotel accommodations for the Executive Committee meeting.
Detzer asks Addams to approve a request to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to move the conference from May to the summer of 1926.
Addams tells Glücklich not to worry about the recent letter from Flora Surles and tells her that she cannot attend the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting.
Glücklich updates the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's sections on plans for the international school and the work on Eleanor Rathbone.
Glücklich sends Addams and the Executive Committee questions about the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Constitution and requests for collaboration.
Addams updates Hull on decisions to be made at the upcoming Women's International League for Peace and Freedom meeting and hopes that she will be able to attend.