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  • Tags: Japan
  • Item Type: Text

Topping asks Addams if a Japanese exchange student can stay at Hull-House in the summer.

Gavit tells Addams about her brother's views on Japan and China

Wickersham asks Addams' opinion on keeping the Committee's goals the same.

Macnaghten tells Addams of her travels in Japan and her plans to visit Canada.

Addams asks Jodai to stay in Europe after attending the International Congress of Women.

Gulick asks Addams for a donation for the National Committee on American Japanese Relations

Thomas asks Addams for help raising funds to support Japanese students in the United States.
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Inouye thanks Addams for her hospitality during his visit to the United States.

Bergen tells Addams about the plans for the Institute of Pacific Relations conference held in Hawaii and introduces William and Makiko Vories who are establishing a school in Japan.

McClatchy asks Addams to oppose efforts to weaken immigration restrictions on Japan and to help them obtain more supporters among the clergy.

McClatchy tells Gulick that the California Joint Immigration Committee will oppose the Wickersham plan to open visas for Japan in 1927.

Gulick asks Addams' advice on how the National Committee on American Japanese Relations can best combat the quota being placed on Japanese immigrants.

Addams advises Doty about holding the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section's meeting in Chicago, and discusses Japanese-American relations.

Addams tells Surles to print David Starr Jordan's manuscript, "American and Japanese Relations."

Gulick discusses Japanese-American foreign relations and how they have been impacted by the Great Kanto Earthquake and the anti-Japanese immigration laws passed in the United States.

Gulick sends Addams a pamphlet on the Japanese question to help with her speeches.

Wickersham asks Addams for financial support for the work of the Commitee.

Bancroft thanks Addams for introducing Katherine Eddy and tells of their plans to meet.

Woods tells Speer that he considers the Japanese Exclusion Act a disaster for the United States.

Also known as Address to the Detroit Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, October 20, 1924 (excerpt)

In two Detroit speeches, Addams praises the candidacy of Robert La Follette for the presidency and offers impressions from her world trip.

Addams sends Woods an article by David Starr Jordan on the Japanese immigration question.

Gulick sends Addams a new statement of policy (not found) which the National Committee on American Japanese Relations had to alter in light of the new immigration law.

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