Article describing the events of the women's meeting at the International Peace Congress in Boston that includes portions of speeches by Lucia Ames Mead, Mrs. W. P. Byles, Jane Addams, and Miss M. E. Dunhill.
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section announces news on the International Congress of Women and other conferences.
A financial summary of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom expenses related to the International Congress of Women, the Pax Special and office expenses.
Addams retells the events of the day, April 29th, at the The Hague Convention. Issues Addams details include peace and arbitration for ending World War I.
News coverage of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Pennsylvania branch meeting at which the League was accused of treasonous propaganda.
Addams argues that it is time for women to work in groups and advocate for causes that are important to them, like peace. Addams gave this address at the National Peace Congress in Chicago. This version was published in the proceedings.