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  • Tags: Charity
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Addams discusses the problems that charity workers face when they bring middle-class assumptions about the poor to their efforts to practically help them.

Richmond gives Addams detailed feedback on her book, Democracy and Social Ethics.

Vincent thanks Addams for her praise, which has embarrassed him.

Dudley recounts her time in Assisi, Italy, and praises Addams' book, Democracy and Social Ethics.

Lincoln praises Addams for Democracy and Social Ethics.

Jones sends Addams funds for the miners on strike and offers his opinion on the issue.

Addams holds that charitable work enables a better understanding of the poor, at a meeting of the Illinois Board of Charities and the Men's Club of the Fourth Presbyterian Church.

Addams discusses the need to understand the poor in order to solve the problems of poverty.
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Addams discusses several charity and philanthropic efforts by the National Council of Jewish Women.

Addams discusses efforts made to reach the needy through settlement work. She delivered this speech at the annual meeting of the Associated Charities.

Addams notes abuses of Hull-Houses day nurseries by lazy fathers whose wives have to work.

Addams writes Kelley about a child labor bibliography, work with charities, and Margaret Kelley's injury playing basketball.

Addams reports that she sent a check to the Miners Relief Fund.

Addams calls for a charitable response to aid the famine sufferers in Sweden, discussing the different kinds of charitable work in education and relief.
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A summary of discussions at the University Settlement by Addams and other speakers that discussed forming relationships as an integral part of settlement work.

Also known as Child Labor and Pauperism, May 9, 1903 (excerpt)

An excerpt of the talk given by Addams at the National Conference of Charities and Correction of 1903 on the effects of child labor.

Addams addresses the Second Congressional District of Illinois asks Chicago woman's clubs to establish a scholarship for children of widows.

Addams denies an accusation that Hull-House turned away a woman appealing for help.

Addams speaks about women reformers' duty to treat the unfortunate with compassion and not contempt.

Peemoller requests a scholarship for Ferdinand Pankonin and explains the family's poverty and need.

The Chicago Daily Tribune, summarizes Addams' talk to the Chicago Bureau of Charities on the morality of charity.

Addams hopes Blaine can send her annual donation a bit early to help them close a deficit.
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Addams delivered this commencement address at the University of Chicago on December 20, 1904, the first woman to be a commencement speaker at the college.

Addams and others announce the publication of a Charities Directory for Chicago, ask McCormick to purchase the enclosed copy.