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Also known as Girl's Part in Reconstruction Work, February 3, 1919 (excerpt)

Addams opened the membership campaign for the National Child Labor Committee in Pittsburgh and spoke to the Western Pennsylvania League of Women Workers on the need

Bastian criticizes Addams for her support of Theodore Roosevelt.

Duchêne tells Addams that she feels that the only way for the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to survive until the next Congress is to step up its activity and seek new members.

Duchêne tells Courtney about the the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom plans to visit China.

Shaw tells Willett that the stories of Black French troops in Germany have been greatly exaggerated.

White thanks Addams for sending an inscribed copy of Twenty Years at Hull House.

White praises Addams for her article in Charities and the Common and requests an autographed photograph of her.

White tells Addams that he is undecided about becoming New York chairman of the Barnett Memorial Fellowship due to the press of work.

White sends Addams a list of recent donors to the Barnett Memorial Fellowship.

Smith tells Addams he will send her letter to Paul Kellogg and tells her that they are still waiting to hire a new editor.

The Committee announces its program to keep the cause of disarmament in the public eye.

A description of the General Committee on the Limitation of Armament's tasks in upcoming months.

Addams speaks on women's roles in peace and internationalism at a public meeting "Next Steps Toward World Peace," held in Geneva on the eve of the opening of the League of Nations General Assembly. It was opened by William Rappard and featured remarks by Addams, Hilda Clark, and Lucie Desjardins.

The Institute invites Addams to a luncheon in honor of Harold B. Butler.

The Institute invites Addams to attend a luncheon in honor of Austen Chamberlain.

Topping asks Addams if a Japanese exchange student can stay at Hull-House in the summer.

Andrews is sending Addams a copy of a resolution that is also being sent to different clubs.

Dupuy encloses a clipping regarding recent court decisions on strikes that he thinks will interest Addams.

Schilling congratulates Addams on her new position with the school board, updates Addams on Lottie and Lillie Paulsen, and asks for a favor.

Bellamy updates Kennedy on the effort to raise support for the Barnett Memorial Fellowship.

Bellamy asks Addams for suggestions on Cleveland's plan to develop a parks and recreation department.

Bellamy praises Addams for her series in McClure's Magazine but also points out a small mistake in the February installment.

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