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Goodspeed writes Addams to apologize for not getting in touch with her.

Brett asks Addams when James Weber Linn will be back in the country.

Brett sends Addams a royalty payment for sales of the first 1000 copies of Democracy and Social Ethics.

A printed invitation to the wedding of Ethel Winthrop and John Addams Linn.

Brett congratulates Addams on the success of Democracy and Social Ethics and extends his hope that she will write a second book.

Brett reports receiving the publishing agreement from Addams.

Hooker writes to Robins of Addams' reluctance to take meetings until there was a meeting planned, but volunteered to host a dinner to discuss the matter.

Hooker sends McCormick a list of objects for the Municipal Museum.

Swope asks Addams for suggestions for men to fill the Secretary position at the Civic Improvement League.

Brett is pleased to learn that Addams' new book, Newere Ideals of Peace, is ready for publication.

Schilling congratulates Addams on her new position with the school board, updates Addams on Lottie and Lillie Paulsen, and asks for a favor.

Dupuy encloses a clipping regarding recent court decisions on strikes that he thinks will interest Addams.

Peck writes to inquire about the amount of his annual donation to Hull-House and his plans to visit at some point.

Tuckerman informs Addams of his plans to leave his current church and find a new, more "liberal" church to continue his worship.

Speranza hopes Addams will take the time to meet with the new acting Counsul General of Italy for Chicago as he is interested in "sociological questions".

Macmillan offers a defense against malicious statements about the company circulating in Chicago. Brett hoped to clarify the issue with Addams, who was a member of the school board and might help.

Brett responds to Addams' previous letter and assures her that she can take however long she wants to with proofreading her manuscript, as long as "it may be in our hands for successful publication at no distant day".

Brett writes on behalf of the Macmillan Company asking Addams when her manuscript for Newer Ideals of Peace will be ready to be published.

Brett informs Addams that her manuscript for The Newer Ideals of Peace is going straight to the printers for production.

Brett notes that Newer Ideals of Peace can be published as early as December 20, but that they think it should be held to January; he encloses her advance check.

Brett confirms that they sent copies of Newer Ideals of Peace off to LaFollette and Garfield as Addams requested.

Brett thanks Addams for her receipt and list of names to send copies of Newer Ideals of Peace.

Brett sends Addams a copy of J. Allen Smith's The Spirit of American Government. 

Murphy sends Addams estimates for the prices of real estate in Chicago for the West Park Board.

Mead praises Addams for her lecture on "War and Progress" given at the Chicago Woman's Club on April 11.

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