Balch tells Addams of decisions made at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting regarding a December meeting, summer schools and staffing.
Balch tells Addams about activities in the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom office and her take on the Genoa Conference, and answers some of Addams's questions.
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, March 1922Also known as Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee, Consultative Members, and Secretaries of National Sections, March 1922
Balch sends the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee the topics to be discussed at their next meeting.
Emily Greene Balch to Jane Addams, March 1922Also known as Emily Greene Balch to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's Executive Committee, Consultative Members, and Secretaries of National Sections, March 1922
Balch writes to the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee postponing the meeting and requesting feedback on several issues.
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's United States Section announces news on the International Congress of Women and other conferences.
Addams tells Balch about her efforts to raise funds in the United States for the International Congress of Women and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Summer School.
Balch asks Courtney to organize the 1921 International Congress of Women and suggests that she could become the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's temporary Secretary-Treasurer in the fall.
Balch sends Addams an outline of the topics to be discussed at the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Executive Committee meeting in June.