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  • Subject is exactly "women, political culture"

Addams discusses the impact of woman suffrage on India, Burma, Japan, and China.

Addams discusses the impact of woman suffrage on India, Burma, Japan, and China.

Bass asks Addams to recognize some of the women who worked in Cook County on the State Educational Committee.

Post tells Balch about the problems of obtaining passports to Europe.

Post relates to Addams her conversation with William Jennings Bryan about the Woman's Peace Party's letter to the President and plans for a Congress after peace is achieved in Europe.

Post relays the information about the fundraising needs of the Woman's Peace Party and sends charter members leaflets for them to use.

Addams argues that American women are behind their European peers with regard to individual rights.

Spencer writes Addams about the Woman's Peace Party and the recent conference in Washington.

Haldeman-Julius updates Addams on her daughter, explains recent appeals to remove her husband from the draft, and discusses their publishing company.

Martin asks Karsten to thank Addams for her political endorsement and hopes she will help campaign in Nevada.

Ford asks Addams' advice on how to include women in the new Indiana constitution.

"A Woman from Los Angeles" congratulates Addams's call for a disarmament plank at the Republican convention.
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Also known as Bryn Mawr Commencement Address, June 6, 1912

In this commencement address, Addams discusses the changes in perception of women's intelligence and argues that the time is ripe for women's intelligence to hold sway. The speech was later published in the Bryn Mawr Alumnae Quarterly.

Catt asks Addams for information so that she can publish a defense of peace activists vilified by the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Breshkovsky thanks Starr for her friendship and discusses her difficulties in communicating her ideas.

Addams discusses the value of the vote at the General Federation of Women's Clubs convention.

Hubbart wants Addams to advise her on how to be of better use to the peace movement.

Fleischer applauds Addams' involvement with the Progressive Party, arguing that politics is a logical extension of social work.

Balch brings to the attention of Addams that Polish women have been denied a say in their League of Nations and urges all sections of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to fight for recognition of their voting rights.

Balch asks Addams about whether the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom should advertise about their efforts in European women's journals.

Hobhouse writes to Addams on her position with the British Committee for the International Women's Congress and personal matters of health and travel.

Johnson examines the emotional aspects of the presidential election and how politicians use emotion to win votes.

Taussig asks Addams to release a statement that clarifies the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's position on endorsing candidates.

The paper reports on discussions of milk shortage and child welfare in Germany held at the Paris Peace Conference.